Can You Take Candles On A Plane? A Complete Travel Guide

Can You Take Candles On A Plane?

It is common for candle enthusiasts to buy candles as souvenirs when they visit a new place or country. The critical question is, “Can you take candles on a plane?” Before packing candles in your bag, it is good to check the TSA guidelines to see if you can carry them onboard.

Well, candles, be they scented or unscented, are harmless items. So, carrying them on a plane shouldn’t be an issue. But there are some things you need to know before carrying candles on an aircraft. We will elaborate more on this topic in the below post.

Can You Take Candles On A Plane?

So, can you bring candles on a plane? The short answer is yes! According to the TSA, you can carry solid candles such as glass jars, wax, and Yankee candles in your checked bags and hand luggage. 

However, liquid and gel-type candles are treated differently. They are considered liquids by airport security and are subject to the same restrictions as other liquids. This means that if you carry gel candles in your hand luggage, they must be in 100 ml or less containers. If they exceed this limit, you will need to check them in.

Any liquids, including gel candles, must be placed in a clear plastic bag. Each passenger is allowed only one such bag, which should be at most 20 cm x 20 cm in size. Lighters and matches are permitted on planes but are subject to strict regulations due to their fire hazard risk.

Removing your candles from your carry-on bag and placing them in a separate bin when passing through the x-ray machine is a good idea to pass the security screening process. This helps ensure your items are appropriately screened and prevent unwanted problems.

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Pack candles in your checked luggage to avoid having to discard them.

What Type Of Candles Can You Fly With?

What Type Of Candles Can You Fly With

Can you take a candle on a plane? Yes, you can do so if you follow TSA’s guidelines. Now, you might question what type of candles you can fly with. Allow us to break down the details.

Solid Wax Candles

These are made from soy wax, beeswax, or palm oil and come in various containers, including pottery, glass jars, or sometimes just as a standalone candle.

Candle Pots

These are similar to glass candles but contained in porcelain pots or pottery. These are also permitted on a plane.

Floating Candles

This type of candle is often used for events like weddings or parties. These are delicate candles and can be carried on a plane.

Tealight Candles

These candles are widely used for warming teapots or religious purposes. They come in mini metal containers and are acceptable for air travel.

Glass Candles

These candles are available in glass containers and can be easily placed in your carry-on and checked baggage.

LED Candles

These battery-operated and flameless candles use AAA or AA batteries. However, if they contain lithium-ion batteries, you must follow specific rules to have them on board.

As you can see, most candle types are travel-friendly. While there are few restrictions on certain candle types, that shouldn’t be an issue if you follow the rules.

What Type Of Candles Are Banned On A Plane?

What Type Of Candles Are Banned On A Plane

We have already answered whether you can bring a candle on a plane. Let us now tell you about the candle types banned on an aircraft. Knowing these things can help you avoid unpleasant situations during air travel.

Related:  Why Scented Candles are Better in Copper Jars?

Following the guidelines, you can carry different types of candles on a plane. But there is one key exception – sparkler cake candles. These candles are classified as fireworks because they contain explosive materials and could be a safety hazard. For this reason, they are not allowed to board a plane.

Therefore, it is best to avoid carrying sparkler candles with you. If planning a celebration, consider purchasing sparkler candles at your destination.

How To Pack Candles For Air Travel?

How To Pack Candles For Air Travel

Now that you know what type of candles are allowed on a plane, let’s discuss the packing process. It would help to ensure your candles were adequately packed to avoid issues with the authorities.

Use a Plastic Bag or Container

Place your candle in a container or plastic bag to prevent any melted wax from spilling onto other items in your luggage.

Wrap with Bubble Wrap or Clothing

Protect your candle by wrapping it in a bubble wrap or clothing layer. This will prevent it from cracking or breaking during transit.

Pack in the Centre

Place the candle in the center of your luggage to reduce the risks of heat or flame damage to other items. It would help if you didn’t pack candles with electronic items. Also, don’t place them on top of your luggage, as they may get exposed to direct sunlight.

Use Separate Bags for Multiple Candles

If you are carrying multiple candles, you should pack them in separate bags. This way, you can reduce the chances of fire or damage.

Final Words

By now, you know if you can take candles on a plane. While most types of candles are permitted on board, sparkler cake candles are not. To avoid issues during your travel, you should follow TSA’s guidelines to carry your candles safely and securely.

Related:  Why Is Wick Important In Candles?


Why are candles not allowed on planes?

Most types of candles are allowed on planes. The only candle type not permitted is sparkler candles, which contain explosives.

Can I take a candle in my hand luggage?

You can carry solid candles in your hand luggage.

How do you pack candles for travel?

You should wrap your candles in bubble wrap or cloth and place them in the center, away from any electronic gadgets in your bag.

Are candles allowed on domestic flights?

Both solid and liquid candles are allowed on domestic flights, except liquid candles follow different rules.

What is not allowed in a carry-on bag?

Liquid and gel-type candles are prohibited in a carry-on bag during air travel.

Are candles considered flammable for shipping?

Candles are considered flammable for shipping because they are made of materials that can catch fire under certain conditions.


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