Can You Melt Candle Wax In The Microwave?

can you melt candle wax in the microwave

So, you have your candle-making supplies to craft beautiful candles at home. To get started, you will need to melt the wax. Now the question is, can you melt candle wax in the microwave? If yes, what temperature should you set?

These are some questions people ask when making candles for the first time. People new to the craft often need clarification about the steps or process. But no worries, we have got your back! We will tell you how to melt candle wax in the microwave and other details.

Can You Melt Candle Wax In The Microwave?

So, can you melt candle wax in the microwave? The short answer is yes! You can melt wax in a microwave by following the correct steps.

Making candles is a fun process, especially if you are aware of the steps. You can make your candles at home by following simple steps. All you need is a candle-making kit, and you are set.

You can use a microwave or a gas stove to melt candle wax. We will cover those in detail in the next section.

How To Melt Candle Wax In A Microwave?

Those wondering how to melt candle wax at home can use a microwave. It takes only a few minutes to complete. To help you out, we have detailed the steps below.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • The first thing you need to do is pour the candle wax into a microwave-safe container, like a ceramic dish or glass.
  • Place the container in the microwave and heat the wax for at least a minute. Please watch the temperature closely to ensure it stays below 80°C.
  • If the wax isn’t completely melted, heat it in 2-minute intervals until it reaches the desired consistency. Make sure to keep an eye on the temperature during the process.
  • Once the wax hits 80°C, please remove it from the microwave and place it on a heat-resistant surface.
  • Before adding fragrance or color, use a thermometer to ensure the wax has cooled to 70°C.
  • At 70°C, mix in your chosen color. Using color around 0.2% of the wax’s weight is recommended. 
  • Next, add the fragrance oil, which should be between 6% and 10% of the wax’s weight.
  • Stir the wax well to ensure the fragrance and color are evenly mixed.
  • Now, you can pour the melted wax into your candle container.
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With this method, you can melt candle wax quickly and efficiently. Plus, it is pretty simple as you don’t have to do much.

Melting Candle Wax Using The Double Boiler Method

If you don’t have a microwave at home, no worries. You can use the double boiler method to melt your wax. In this method, you will need two bowls or pans. Follow the instructions given below, and you will be good to go.

  • Start by filling a large pan halfway with water, placing it on your stove, and heating it.
  • Place your wax in a smaller glass bowl, pan, or a pouring jug. This container will sit inside the larger pan.
  • Put the smaller bowl or pan inside the large pan so it rests above the water but doesn’t touch the bottom. The steam from the boiling water will slowly melt the wax. 
  • Keep the heat at a medium level and watch the temperature. Make sure that it doesn’t exceed 80°C.
  • Use a thermometer to keep track of the wax’s temperature. When the wax reaches 70°C, you can add color if you use any.
  • Once the wax has fully melted, please remove it from the heat and let it cool to about 65°C. At this point, you can add your chosen fragrance oil. 
  • Stir the wax gently for about a minute to mix everything evenly.
  • You are now ready to pour the melted wax into containers or candle molds.

How To Melt Leftover Candle Wax?

If you have leftover candle wax from old candles, you can easily reuse it using the earlier methods.

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Use the double boiler method if your leftover wax is in a glass jar. The steam from the boiling water will gradually melt the wax inside the jar.

On the other hand, melting leftover wax in a microwave can be trickier, especially if the original container needs to be microwave-safe. To be safe, you should scoop out the leftover wax, transfer it to a microwave-safe container, and follow the same steps explained above.

Both methods work well for melting and repurposing leftover candle wax. You should get a larger melter if you often work with large amounts of wax regularly. These melters are designed to handle more significant quantities, making the process faster and more efficient.

What Temperature Does Candle Wax Melt?

The melting point of candle wax varies depending on the wax you use. Each type has its unique melting point, and it is essential to know when you are making or melting candles. This ensures you heat the wax to the right temperature for smooth and even melting.

Soy Wax

This type of wax melts between 49°C and 82°C. The exact melting temperature can vary based on the specific blend of soy wax.

Paraffin Wax

Paraffin wax has a slightly lower melting range between 46°C and 68°C. It’s one of the most commonly used waxes in candle making.


Beeswax melts at a temperature range of 62°C to 65°C. It’s known for its natural scent and is often used in high-quality, eco-friendly candles.

Gel Wax

Unlike traditional waxes, gel wax has a higher melting point, typically around 82°C. This makes it ideal for creating transparent or decorative candles.

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Final Words

After reading this post, you should have gotten the answer to the question, “Can you melt candle wax in the microwave?” You can use the microwave method if you have a microwave-safe container. If you don’t find this method comfortable, you can use the double boiler method, which involves two pans/bowls. Melting candle wax for crafting candles is easy. Just follow the correct steps, and you will be good.


Is it safe to melt candle wax in a microwave?

If you use a microwave-safe container, melting candle wax in the microwave is safe.

What is the best way to melt candle wax?

You can use the double boiler or microwave to melt candle wax.

Can I melt waxing wax in the microwave?

Yes, you can melt wax in the microwave. Just make sure to use a microwave-safe container.

How do you melt leftover candle wax?

The double boiler method would be the best option for leftover candle wax.

Can candles be heated in a microwave?

You can heat candles in a microwave.

Can I microwave a candle to even out the wax?

Putting your candle in the microwave for 2 minutes can even out the wax.


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